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Hazardous Weather Spotting for the National Weather Service in Albany

Warren/Washington Counties SkyWarn

SkyWarn Logo

Warren/Washington Counties SKYWARN now has a Facebook Page

The effects of severe weather are felt every year by many Americans. To obtain critical weather information, NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, established SKYWARN® with partner organizations. SKYWARN® is a volunteer program with nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters. These volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service.

SkyWarn Nets on the W2WCR Linked Repeaters:

  • W2WCR SkyWarn Net - Net Control: N2VU
  • Assistant Net Control: KD2DJU
  • National Weather Service Albany Roving SkyWarn Net - Net Control: WX2ALY

Other Means of Reporting Hazardous Weather:

SkyWarn Info, Training, Software, and Gear:

SKYWARN Spotters

Warren County
Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Asst. Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

David Gealt KD2BVA
Dan Gealt WX2P
Derrick Helms KD2ALW
Mickey Corentto NY2MC
Chris Sigsbee K2CCS
John Belliveau KA1WRH
Ryan Tourge N2YQT

Washington County
Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Asst. Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Bernie Capron N1NDN
Joe Voerman Jr. KD2DXO

Saratoga County
Jeff Archambeault KC2SDS
Kathryn Tomlin KD2GWL

Served Agency Liaisons

Warren County RACES
Radio Officer
David Gealt KD2BVA
Deputy Radio Officer
Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Warren County ARES
Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA
Assistant Emergency

Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Washington County

Radio Officer
Jami Olden N2ZTC

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Jami Olden N2ZTC

Northern District, ENY Section ARES
Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA

Warren County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Cooordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Red Cross
Glens Falls Office

Communications Lead
Donald James N2VU

Team Commander
Jake Haker N2FIN

Warren County Office
of Emergency Services

Brian LaFlure KD2HVY

Washington County
Department of Public

Asst. Director
Jon Pease KD2IHN

Glens Falls Hospital
Director of Emergency Services
Laura Stebbins KD2HHM