Warren County ARES
Info regarding ARES in Warren County, NY
Amateur Radio Emergency Services
All club members are encouraged to participate in local public service events.
Check out the NEW ARES CONNECT. Here you can register for ARRL ARES Connect and see and sign-up for local ARES/RACES events..
Warren County ARES now has a Facebook Page
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.
David Gealt, KD2BVA is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Warren County.
Derrick Helms, KD2ALW is the ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Warren County.
Click Here to Contact Warren County ARES
Bernie Capron N1NDN is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Washington County.
Click Here to Contact Washington County ARES
All club members are encouraged to participate in local public service events.
Here you can register for ARRL ARES Connect and see and sign-up for local ARES/RACES events..
ARES Info and Gear:
- About ARES
- ARES - Wikipedia
- ARRL Eastern New York Section
- ARES Membership Form
- Member Login - Eastern New York ARRL Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
- The 2015 ARES Manual
- ENY_ARES Yahoo Group
- DHS/FEMA ARRL/ARES MOA - Memorandum Of Agreement between FEMA and ARES - New 2014
- ARRL Store - Emergency Communications
- AnythingWeatherStore - SKYWARN
- It is strongly suggested that ARES members also join RACES
ARES Training:
- ARRL EC-001 - Introduction to Emergency Communication
- Prerequisits:
- FEMA IS-100.b - Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS), ICS-100
- FEMA IS-700.a - National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
- Prerequisits:
- ARRL EC-016 - Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs
- Prerequisits:
- All prerequisits, suggested training, and completion of ARRL EC-001
- FEMA IS-200.b - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
- Prerequisits: