Below is the net script used by RACES net control on the W2WCR repeater system. Used for our weekly drill on Tuesday 7pm or any time our local RACES group has a drill or activation. Adobe Acrobat PDF document.
Multi County RACES net check in/ARRL radiogram form 102812.pdf
The Multi County RACES Net check in form, Should be filled out by ALL stations participating in Drills and Activations. This form also includes the ARRL radiogram and phonetic alphabet
ICS FORM 213 pdf version
ICS Form 213 This is the main form used by FEMA for message passing
Form 213-fillable.docx Here is the fillable FEMA ICS 213 form
Below is the fillable version of the FEMA ICS 213 form
Simulated Emergency Test Info
2013 Report
MULTICOUNTI RACES NET SCRIPT 2019-01-08 E WRP microsoft word
Below is the net script used by RACES net control on the W2WCR repeater system. Used for our weekly drill on Tuesday 7pm or any time RACES has a drill or activation. Microsoft word document
FEMA CPG 1-15 MARCH 1991
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Civil Preparedness Guide 1-15 as reissued March 18 1991, Guidance For Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service