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W2WCR Repeater Info

Repeater Info for the W2WCR system

The Club is currently Trustee of the Prospect Mt. repeaters, using it's call sign, W2WCR. Bernie N1NDN, is our license trustee.




Repeater Etiquette

When using the system, please leave gaps in between transmissions to allow the system to reset to avoid timing out. Also leaving gaps in between transmissions will eliminate stations constantly "doubling" or transmitting at the same time. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Prospect Mt. repeaters:
    • 146.730- PL 100.0 (Linked) Echolink W2WCR-R
    • 224.780- NO PL (Stand-alone, Linked for Nets)
    • 443.450+  (This is the link hub)
  • Gore Mt. repeater:
    • 147.120+ PL 123.0 (Linked)
    • 442.250+ CC1 DMR on the UpstateTRBO network.
  • Burch Hill repeaters:
    • 146.775- PL 146.2 (Linked)
    • 442.300+ CC1 DMR on the UpstateTRBO network.
  • Click here to listen to the linked repeater system online
  • There is also an APRS digipeater on Gore listening on 144.390 and a packet digipeater on Prospect on 145.050.

This linked repeater system is used for RACESARESSkyWarn, and to support the local Red Cross Chapter in times of need with radio coordination for disaster management. When not being used for community events or emergencies, these repeaters serve radio amateurs by allowing them to stay in touch and be of service to visitors in the area by providing local information whenever possible.


  • Multi-County Races Net meets every Tuesday at 7pm - This net is for registered RACES members only. You can be registered in any county to participate. We usually practice sending a short formal message and talk about emergency communications message handling.
  • Tech Net - meets every Wednesday at 7pm - This is a fun question and answer roundtable. We ask a few questions from the license pool and hams bring questions they may have to the table. Any licensed amateur operator is welcome to join.
  • Rag-Chew Net - every Thursday at 7pm. This is a Rag-Chew net, however if you just want to check in and leave it at that, we’d love to hear from you. Any stations, Base, mobile or portable – in any county – any state are all welcome to call. This net is open to all radio-amateurs. If at any time during the net there is any emergency or priority traffic please just say the word BREAK and this net will be suspended until such traffic has been handled.
  • Capital District Weather Net meets every morning at 7am - all are encouraged to check in and give any weather info or road conditions they may have. Check out more info below.

Other Local Repeaters

There are a couple of other local repeaters, not owned by Warren County, to check out, these repeaters are both part of a linked system- N1NDN @ 449.775 - 114.8 PL (Queensbury, near Exit  19) and N2ACF 444.450 + 114.8PL (Prospect Mountain, Lake George)


Capital District Weather Net Info

Each morning we hold the capital district weather net from 7:00 to 7:20am on the linked repeater system. This info is input into the Albany Weather system and used for various forecasting and reporting needs. Any and all weather or road condition reports are welcome.

The regulars to the net report things like

  • precipitation,
  • weather code ( see the chart below for weather codes. )
  • cloud cover
  • high temperature
  • low temperature
  • current temperature
  • new snow fall
  • residual snow on the ground
  • wind speed and direction
  • barometric pressure


We record the data form the last 24 hours ( from 7am to 7am ) Most any way to check the weather at your location will work.  There are many different weather stations available. To record precipitation a good rain gauge will help.

Here is a good place to learn to use and buy a rain gauges.

full size weather code link



Club Officials
Chris Franco AF2V
Vice President
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Ron Lyke W2PLK
Julie Paquette N2JUL
Repeater Trustee
Bernie Capron N1NDN
Steve Johnson KB1IVE
Board of Directors
George Dunklee KD2FKH
Ted Wright KC2BLE
Steve Leonard NY2SL

Served Agency Liaisons

Warren County RACES
Radio Officer
David Gealt KD2BVA
Deputy Radio Officer
Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Warren County ARES
Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA
Assistant Emergency

Derrick Helms KD2ALW

Washington County

Radio Officer
Jami Olden N2ZTC

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Bernie Capron N1NDN

Northern District, ENY Section ARES
Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
David Gealt KD2BVA

Warren County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Washington County

Emergency Coordinator
Donald James N2VU
Assistant Emergency Cooordinator
Shawn Perry N2HSP

Red Cross
Glens Falls Office

Communications Lead
Donald James N2VU

Team Commander
Jake Haker N2FIN

Warren County Office
of Emergency Services

Ann Marie Mason

Glens Falls Hospital

Director of Emergency Services
Laura Stebbins KD2HHM

Public Info Managers

Web Site
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A

Bernie Capron N1NDN

David Gealt KD2BVA

Mickey Corentto N2MC

David Gealt KD2BVA
Mickey Corentto N2MC
Jeff Archambeault AJ2A